Forester Faces: March 6, 2020
The Article below was published in Vol. 135, Issue 6 of the Lake Forest College Stentor on March 6, 2020.
This edition of Forester Faces features Alpha Phi’s Heart Health Month Fundraiser, the Muslim Student Association, Intervarsity, and Hillel’s Interfaith Dinner, the League for Environmental Awareness and Protection’s Trivia Night, the independently organized TEDx event, “Boiling Point,” and INK’s Trivia Night.
Want to see your club/organization’s event featured in future Issues of the Stentor? Email your photos to and include a brief description of your event. Please note, submission does not guarantee publication.
Alpha Phi Heart Health
Interfaith Dinner
The Muslim Student Association, Hillel, and Intervarsity hosted an Interfaith Dinner on February 6 in Calvin Durand Hall. The dinner was free to attend and featured food from Portillo’s and Potbelly.
Lake Forest College hosted its annual TEDx program entitled “Boiling Point” on February 8 in Hixon Hall.
LEAP Trivia Night
The League for Environmental Awareness and Protection (LEAP) held a Trivia Night on February 25 in Pierson Room C. The event was open to all members of the campus community and featured sustainable prizes and free pizza.
INK Trivia Night
The student literary organization INK hosted a Trivia Night on February 21 in the Skybox.